Monday, May 24, 2010

Getting Started

Thank you for taking an interest in "My Personal Thoughts". Everyone has them, about a lot of things. Cars, marriage, travel, relatives and dogs. Actually, I don't think there is anything, in existance today, that everyone does not have an opinion on. I know my wife, whom I love very dearly and cherish with all my heart, does. However, I am going to limit my time and space, here, to possibilities. I know there are a lot of possibilities. It's possible that we don't know how many possibilities are out there. So, I will narrow it down to the possibilities of man. I'm sure you have heard the old adage, "Anything is possible". Well, this is true...especially with humankind. What makes our possibilities limitless is the fact that we have something within us that is in no other living creature in this world.
I started this blog on the premise, or fact in my case, that there is a Divine being, in charge and in control of the events of our lives, this world, even this universe. He has been given several names by different cultures. Allah is his name in the Muslim world. In Asia, he is called Budha. Mohammad is another name. Hebrews have called Him Yahweh, Alpha and Omega and Jehovah. He has names, I'm sure, that only scholars on world religions know. In the English speaking world, He is known as God and this is how I choose to refer to Him.
What I want to do is take from all religions, the aspects that would be called good, by humankind. It is simple. God is GOOD. Anything that is good, comes from God. Likewise, everything else, evil and all of its components, comes from Satan. I want to explore the possibilities man has, because of that one thing man has within him, that I mentioned earlier. There is good in every religion. Because of the nature of man, his imperfections and the presence of evil, in the world, there are some concepts which would be considered 'questionable' if put on the scale of good and evil.
What I am not going to do, is discuss doctrinal issues which separate and define each individual belief. I am not here to tell people what to believe. The idea, alone, interferes with the functional value of the most important gift God has given us. And that is the freedom to choose, for our own selves, what is right for us.
As we all know, if we're a believer, God is the most powerful entity in existence. Because we are known as, "God's children" and God is known as, "Our Heavenly Father", I suggest that we are genetically tied, if you will, to the nature of God. I believe man's potential to achieve has not yet been measured. I believe if man were to have unquestionable faith in God, never doubting, turning away from all evil and absorbing himself in the power of God, he could achive things that could only be known as Miracles.
We know that, in biblical days, there were many, many tremendous miracles performed, by God's servants. By the way, if we are a believer, we are one of God's servants. We know how Moses, among other miracles, parted the Red Sea. We learned how Elisha was carried away in a chariot of fire. Not to mention all of the miracles Jesus Christ performed, during His mission on earth. Even today, we hear of people with great faith who have had life changing miracles occur in their lives. I believe miracles happen, today. I have had many miracles happen in my life, things that could only have come from God that has changed my life and caused me to be who I am today.
Now that I have qualified and clarified my intentions, my hope is the the phrase,"I can't" will leave your vocabulary. It should be replaced with, "I'll try again". I hope you will also continue with me and explore just how much can be achieved by this strange being called man. Please, feel free to comment on anything you read on this blog. All I ask is that we keep the conversation clean, friendly and with good intent. God bless you all. gwm

Sunday, May 23, 2010


I just want to start by saying, "This was not my idea". I am not sure I know why I am doing this. I just feel that I am supposed to. If I say anything that is offensive to you, I can't apologize, because it's the way I see things. I do not direct my thoughts to anyone, personally since I don't know who may read this. My thoughts are only truths, revealed to me by God. I hope you enjoy what I have learned. God bless. gwm