Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Breaking Away

While I'm researching and writing my first chapter for my book, I thought I would just share with you a quick victory, in my life, that came only by the good graces of God.
Since 2005, my children have placed, upon me, the blame and responsibility for the dissolving of our family. For a while, I thought it was my fault, that my actions, alone, caused the destruction of my family. I did everything possible to make things better and get the family to reunite. But, all of the apologies I made, all of the sacrifices I made, all of the counseling I went to, all of the sleep I lost and all of the tears I cried were not enough to bring us back together again. I searched and I searched for anything else I could possibly do to make things right, but could find none. While I was blaming myself, along with all of the other people that were blaming me, for the disintegration of my family, my mind was suddenly cleared and my spiritual eyes were opened when God told me that I have done everything I could possibly do and everything I should do to get this family back together. He said the responsibility was not with me, anymore, that it lies with the family members who turned away from my wife and myself. He said they are the ones who need to forgive, now. They are the ones who need to put this situation behind them, forget it and move on. And he said that is what I should do, also. He said I should put it all behind me, forget it and move on, because as long as I was living in the past, I could not serve and help Him, in the future. And, I have done that. My children still don’t speak to me, I don’t even get the recognition of existence. But that is ok because it is their choice, not mine, to keep the family broken up. I cannot make their decisions for them. All I can do is make the best of the decisions they make. And the best I can do is to move on, do what I am supposed to do and leave the family situation in God’s hands. And that is what I’ve done…and believe it or not, I am happy with the decision I made. When I doubted, He reassured me, when I erred, He forgave me, when I cried He comforted me and when I fell He lifted me up. I am exactly where God wants me to be at this point if my life. Ever learning, ever loving Him, ever looking to Him for strength and direction. Praise God!


  1. Gary this is great! I wrote a long reply to you and for your followers to see on my blog http://nevergiveup28.wordpress.com/ It is on the front page, For some reason it wouldn't let me copy and paste it. Please visit and comment....for it is not through our words, but the commonality that we share that may touch someone out there that has shared the same experiences! Karen :)

  2. gary...i made it on..you have beautiful thoughts here and i hope others come to read them...thank you for creating this...your fcc friend...barb
