Evil. What a scary subject. Wanted, no. Necessary, yes. Don't call me CRAZY. My wife does that, enough, as it is. But, if you will bear with me, I will try to explain it to you. Let's move forward, now, to the next chapter, in man's plight, to exist, on this earth. After God had created His 'Spirit Children', He wanted the most for them, He could give, which is, ALL HE HAD. I'm not talking about the Universe, Heavens, planets, etc. We learn, in the scriptures that all these things will pass away and the earth will be destroyed by fire. If not physical things, what, then? What can God give to us, that will last throughout the eternities? It's the opportunity, to be as He is.
In a modern day Christian scripture, The Book of Mormon, It says,"As man is, God once was, and as God is, man may become." It makes perfect sense. Throughout all the Cristian scriptures, what is the one thing that is taught, to all of mankind? The answer is, how to be a Christian. What is a Christian? To be a Christian, is to be "Christ Like". What is a 'Deciple of Christ'? That would be a follower of Christ, being taught by Christ, to do Godlike things. We are taught to "Know God". To know God, is to be as God. Impossible, no. Improbable, yes. This is a very important concept, that needs to be understood. Please, before you dismiss this as nonsense, pray to God, with an open, or learning heart, and ask Him to confirm this, in your heart.
Now, let me tell you about the "Great Council in Heaven." If you need a reference to it, in the Bible, you can find it in Revelations, Chapter 12. In the pre-existence, there was a "Great Council in Heaven". God gathered all of His spirit children, to discuss our future on earth and in the eternities. I can imagine Him talking to each of us, privately, and sharing, with us, what we would be going through, here, on earth. But, He also reassured us with a warm embrace and told us that He would constantly be with us through the whole ordeal, if we would just seek His will and ask for His help. He also reminded us of the gift He gave us (the freedom to choose for ourselves, what we wanted out of life: good, or bad, and the consequences that would go with each choice.
Here, is where evil comes into play. Now, God had another son, second to Jesus Christ. His name is Lucifer and would be later known as Satan. When God presented His plan of Salvation to us, that is to be able to choose for ourselves, what we would do, Lucifer came up with his own plan. His plan would take away our freedom of choice. Everyone would be saved and return to God, only to be as we were, before we came to earth, with the exception of having a physical body. To use Lucifer's plan, however, he wanted all the glory, for the salvation of man. God needed a pure sacrifice. Obviously, Lucifer didn't fit this category. Jesus Christ agreed with His father's plan and said, Here am I, Lord, send me.
This made Lucifer very angry and he rebelled against God, resulting in a great War in Heaven. One third of God's spirit children decided, by choice to follow Lucifer. The remaining two thirds decided to follow Christ. Lucifer and his host of demonic angels were cast out of Heaven, never to receive a physical body, thus making it impossible for them to return to Heaven. (Satan used his freedom of choice and chose evil.) A physical body is a requirement, in order to become as God is. Jesus Christ had a physical body. After He was resurrected, He still had a physical body. Do you remember 'Doubting Thomas" and how he had to touch Him and feel the wounds in His hands, feet and side, before he would believe? Today, Jesus Christ is in the express image of God. So, it makes sense that God has a physical body. That is one reason we were given a physical body. Another reason, for our mortal life, is to be tried and proved, going through much tribulation, before we can return to Heaven. In the old testament, it says we shall be, "tried as gold". If you are not familiar with how we get pure gold, the ore has to be heated up a great deal, in order to get the impurities out of it. We have to go throught a similar process, It's called a 'Refiner's Fire'. God has to try us and test us and prove us, so we can be made pure, or perfect in His sight. This is called 'opposition in all things'.
A question that may come to your mind is, "Where did this 'opposition' come from? Do you remember how Lucifer and his host of angels were cast out of Heaven? This became the source of evil. This became 'opposition in all things.' What we, as spirit children experienced, in the pre-existance, was all good. Joy, love, kindness, patience, compassion, etc. All of the Godly virtues that God had we had. It was a place of "Pure Joy". But, we didn't know it, because we had nothing to compare it with. This is why evil is necessary, in order for us to have salvation. To know what joy is, we have to experience sorrow. To know what pleasure is, we have to experience pain. To know what heavenly calm is, we have to experience the hellish storms life has to offer. And so on, and so on, and so on, to know what all good is, we have to experience what all evil is. If we can understand this concept, having the freedom to choose to do right or wrong, we should really look upon our trials and tribulations as a blessing, a necessary evil. It really make life more bearable, knowing that there is a reason for all of the chaos, in the world, today.
In the New testament, it says that, "No unclean thing thing shall enter the presence of God" and that "God cannot look upon sin in the least degree." And, I suggest to you now, that we cannot return to God until we are perfect. We cannot become perfect, but by the saving grace of Christ's blood. God is perfect. To be perfect is to be "as God is". If you do not understand this, I urge you to pray, to God, for the Holy Spirit, to guide you and read it, until you do understand it.
Do you remember that God created us from a small part of His intelligence? Well, to have all that He has, is to have the same portion of intelligence and wisdom, that He has.
Let me say that, I do not claim to be a scholar on spiritual things. I only know what, I believe, the Holy Spirit has revealed to me and burned it into my heart. I am just trying to make some sense out of this world, with the scriptures God has left us, to live by. I am not asking you to believe this. You have your freedom to choose. However, I am asking you to look at the possibilities.
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Gary, you are simply amazing with your writings here. As I have said to you before, you have made an absolute profound difference in my life by reading your words. and not only being empowered by them, but also comforted as my own "refiner's fire" has proven to be the greatest test yet...your words have affirmed, and awakened me to the realization that yes, evilness is certainly alive, and quite well these days, certainly swarming most adamantly around those that choose to walk in the light. although the flesh is weak, the armored protection is greater then any attempt of negative influences. My thoughts have been lately that in my own attempts to humbly lead with wisdom of past tests, that one is truly a warrior of peace when one is able to show true intention in silence and patience, rather than a public display of defamation exactly like I have been encountering. A test of true strength where the gold has been attaining a rock solid coat of stability, and commitment to remain pure in all opposition...that which serves one well for sure! In the end...all that is left standing is the pure in heart with one more test behind us that brings us humans one step closer to the divine existence to which we all have been invited!
ReplyDeleteAs you have eluded to here in your thoughts...every step, word, action, and intention is dictated by our own choice to determine where we will reside for eternity....in recent months, weeks, and now days, I have personally experienced the joy that is received when I personally choose to "love", and forgive those who do not see the benefit of residing without a hardened,vindictive heart. That makes me feel very sad for them that they reside on the other team, however, leading by example, and CONSISTENCY may one day prove to be the very invitation that allow them to "see" the light...trusting that they will evolve through their own fire's that will refine, sustain, and renew their souls to re-birth in peace....love you
Thanks for you supporting words, Karen. I think this is the most, in depth post I have put on the blog. It's kinda like putting my neck on the chopping block, to see who is going to drop the axe. I'm glad you didn't. Lovin ya back.
ReplyDeleteyou can guarantee that will never come from me...consistency is my ultimate goal...in every situation, with every word, action, and supportive of nothing less than the understanding that comes from your thoughts that you have shared with us all...one must have experienced negativity in many realms to experience the joy and excitement that your words inspire all. To expand our own possibilities from that which has been given to each of us as a gift....our choice what we do with that gift.... :)
ReplyDeleteGary...i am not a profound writer like you and Karen but, i can and do appreciate the wisdom that i can read from others...Thank you for giving us all your time and effort in these thought provoking messages...I don't pretend to understand all of God's gifts. Why He allows us to suffer with pain or the knowledge that death is close. That also may be the final walk of faith and fire that we must go through...You are a wonderful friend to share with us your thoughts and you give hope in your very scenarios...God bless you...Barb
ReplyDeleteThanks, Barb. I love ya.