Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Origins of Man II

Now, moving further into the Origins of Man, let's explore the possibility of how pre-mortal man was created. We have already established the fact that God created all of the Heavens and the worlds, that in them are. How did He do it? Did God just say, "Earth, Exist!"? No. In a book called, "The Pearl of Great Price", you will find references as to how God created the Heavens and the Earth. It wasn't a complicated procedure, at all. In fact, from God's point of view, it was quite simple. When the word "created" is used, in the scripture, it doesn't mean that God made something, from nothing.
To make something from nothing is not possible, at least, not in this dimension. We don't create smoke by burning something. We don't create fire, by striking a match. We don't create sound, by making a noise. When Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, he didn't create it. He just took some things that already existed, reformed them and 'voila', the light bulb existed. Thus, smoke, fire and sound were formed by the combination, or action, and reaction, of other existing elements. Within our universe, you will find matter. Matter consists of all the known elements in the scientific table such as gold, aluminum, different gasses and ores, plus some that we will not find, on this earth. So, within the heavens, matter already exists. When God created the suns, stars, moons and planets, rather than create them from nothing, He merely took matter that already existed and reformed it, to make these heavenly bodies. Some planets were formed from gasses, alone. To other planets, minerals and ores were added, like gold, silver, iron and copper. Possibly, some planets contain elements, not known to earth. No one, not even scientists, knows the complete make up of the heavens, beyond the earth's atmosphere.
Now, we must turn from the physical realm and go to the spiritual realm, in order to find out how the spiritual family was born, or, came into existance. We just learned that God formed all of the heavenly bodies from matter, that already existed. However, all of these things were created in spirit, before they were created physically. So it is with man. The scriptures say that, 'man was created (formed) in the image of God'. This is true. The question is: Did God form, or create man from the matter that existed in the heavens? In order to find the answer to this question, let's take a look at the make up of man. We know by reading the Bible, that God formed man from the dust of the earth. There is no argument, there. Some carbon, a lot of water (H2O) and a few other gases and minerals make up the physical body of man.
But, there is a difference between man and a big clump of clay made from the same matter, as man is. That difference is INTELLIGENCE. How is it that man is capable of reasoning, thinking, acting on his own or choosing one from another. In the Book of Mormon, another present day Christian Scripture, it tells us that, "The glory of God is intelligence." Now, we know that all God has created, is His glory. However, I suggest that, since man was given dominion over the earth, because of his intelligence and that mankind is sons and daughters of God, these children, or us, are His most precious glory. The answer to the question, we asked earlier, is: The physical creation of man did come from existing elements, in the universe.
The next question, that needs to be answered is: Since man has intelligence, where did it come from? Do the elements of the universe have intelligence? Well, I think we can all agree that a big rock does not have intelligence. Water does not have intelligence. Gasses do not have intelligence. Metal does not have intelligence. So, if the elements of the universe do not have intelligence, what is the source of intelligence? Let's put some known facts together, before we try to answer this question. Fact: Man was created in the image of God. Fact: God's greatest glory is intelligence. Fact: None of the elements, in the universe, has intelligence. Fact: God can think, reason, choose, therefore, He has intelligence. Fact: Man would not be in the image of God, without intelligence. Fact: Mankind is the sons and daughters, or lineage, of God.
Put these facts together and the answer is simple. The physical man is made up of the elements of the universe. The spiritual man, however, was made from the intelligence of God. Pretty amazing, isn't it? Because we are part of the totality, of God's intelligence, we inherit every trait that God has. Love, patience, mercy, concious and every other good virtue that God has, we also have. This is why we are so precious, in His sight. This is why He loves us so much. This is why He is so merciful to us. This is why He sent His only Begotten Son to die on the cross, for us, so that we could have the opportunity to live with Him forever, if we choose to do so.
(This is something we should know, also. All intelligent life comes from God. Man, animals, birds and fish. If plants have any intelligence, they are of God, as well. All intelligent life does not have the same amount of intelligence. An animal's intelligence will vary, from creature to creature. Man is more intelligent than animals. Every man does not have the same degree of intelligence, as the other. No man has the same degree of intelligence as God, but can get it, if he seeks it.)
We have just learned that we are literally descended from God. We have His genetics, His intelligence, His ability to grow, His ability to choose what is right, because, by His nature, He cannot choose to do wrong. If we all concentrate on choosing good over evil, we will, one day, be back in His presence, to live with Him, forever.


  1. Gary, where were you when i took college biology and my instructor said he didn't believe in evolution or creation? I wish i knew where he is at today and introduce him to you.You have a simple way of putting everything together that makes so much sense. Thank you again for your wisdom. barb

  2. Thanks, for your comment. And, you're right. This is the only thing that makes sense. Thanks, for your support, as well.

  3. Hi Gary,
    Wow is saying very little about your thoughts as they are so self reassuring all by themselves. I look forward to reading your intelligence in info. You are truly amazing. Although your words take a person to really use every thought as your words are so in debth. I feel so honored to have you as a Friend as you are a true, caring individual with so much Godly knowledge. On the FCC site I have found so many spiritual people its unbelievable which helps me in spreading the word of our God. I had a conversation on Friday with a Lady from Medicare as they are going to start taking $110.50 out of my monthly $704.00 so naturally first instint was to cry as I spoke to her. At the end of her helping me with the paperwork I had received from them she asked why I was on S.S.D. which I told her only a couple of issues as I couldnt think quick enough nor would she have wanted to hear about all of the issues I am up against but in her final words she said, "This is what I want you to write down (with me assuming it was something to do with medicare) she said ever so slowly to write," I (pause) Am (pause) a (pause)child (pause) of (pause) God. I was overwhelmed by her words and felt truly blessed by just 6 words. She told me to write them down and put them throughout the house. Wow it made my Day even with the circumstances of the telephone call to begin with. With FCC it truly amazes me that so many Spiritual people can be in one place sort of with the same mentallity of our God. I will let you go for know and I hope what I wrote was understandable to you as I do get very confused but the bottom line is I truly believe in our God and he will prevail in my situation. I also like spreading his words with my many FCC Angels. As I always say Hugs and Prayers to you!
    Deb ( Thank you Gary!

  4. Thank you, for your kind words. I cannot stress enough that God is not punishing us, He isn't mad at us. He loves us, more than anything, in His Kingdom. Our circumstances are something we have to go through. He is merely teaching us and preparing us to do a great work, for Him, in the future. If everyone could believe this and know that these evils are necessary, there would not be so much gloom and doom in the world.
